SAVE THE DATE: LOEWE-Architectures of Ordering presents its research results at a comprehensive exhibition and event program with a finissage from Nov. 2 to 10
What role models are associated with the profession of architect and how do they affect gender relations among architects? How does order come into the design of architecture and how do digital tools influence the design of architecture? During their four years of LOEWE funding, the scientists of the LOEWE focus Architecture of Ordering (AO) dealt with these and other research questions.
As part of the finissage with a diverse exhibition and event program, the results of the interdisciplinary research groups will be presented from November 2 to 10, 2023, at the TU Darmstadt, Department of Architecture, at the German Museum of Architecture in Frankfurt and at the cinema in the Audimax of the TU Darmstadt. Among them are researchers from architecture, sociology, history and media studies, and legal history.
The detailed program can be found here.
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