Architectures of Order Practices and Discourses between Design and Knowledge
"Architectures of Order" refers to the importance of order techniques in architectural practices and focuses on the relevance of architectural thought in social discourses. The project takes this context into account by understanding architecture as a cultural ordering practice that operates at the interfaces of control, knowledge, design and subjectivation. It asks, first, about the creation of order through architecture, second, about the significance of architecture for nonarchitectural order narratives, and third, about the interaction of both spheres. The project bundles competences in architectural history, history, cultural and media studies, sociology and design theory and integrates architectural design and media practice.
LOEWE Research Cluster
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Technical University of Darmstadt
Max Planck Institute for European Legal History
Fields of study
Digital design
Design and urban planning
History of the early modern period
History and theory of architecture
Sociology of culture and knowledge
art history, art studies, art theory
Media Sciences
Legal history
Funding period
since 2020
Project Coordinator
Professor Dr Carsten Ruhl, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
Professor Dr Christiane Salge, Technical University of Darmstadt