LOEWE research
LOEWE 2015 Commitment with impact: a forward-looking retrospective
In its eighth year, LOEWE has 46 ambitious research initiatives: 11 LOEWE research Centres and 35 LOEWE research Clusters. They were selected for financial support in a competitive procedure in which scientific excellence is the deciding factor. In 2015, funding is being provided for 9 LOEWE research Centres and 17 LOEWE research Clusters.
LOEWE gives the researchers involved and their institutions space to develop their activities and to establish a profile – by optimising the research infrastructure, by funding building measures but especially by creating space for research. The LOEWE initiatives make use of these opportunities in a variety of different ways. The focus is unambiguously on the gain in scientific knowledge. However, importance is also given to networking activities within each research community, application for further external funds and the communication of developments to target groups outside the academic world. The following are a few examples of the achievements and activities of the LOEWE initiatives over the past year.