LOEWE research
LOEWE 2015 Gainful funding: triggering further funds
For every euro invested in LOEWE until 2014, the federal state of Hessen will receive roughly an additional €0.84 in further research funding until 2020: the €520 million that the federal state earmarked for LOEWE from 2008 to 2014 is set alongside approximately €436 million in additional external funds raised by the LOEWE research centres and clusters.
Still further funds tend to be channelled to the research infrastructure. For instance, in June 2014 three LOEWE research centres and the federal state of Hessen were delighted to learn that a decision of the Joint Science Conference established by the central and state governments in Germany was holding out the prospect of new research premises. With the central government and the federal state of Hessen each contributing half the funds required, a Center for Infections and Genomics of the Lung (CiGL) linked to the LOEWE research centre UGMLC is to be built in Giessen at a cost of some €23 million. In Marburg, the LOEWE research centre SYNMIKRO will acquire a new building for synthetic microbiology costing around €50 million. And in Darmstadt there are plans to build a €10.5 million Center for IT-Security (CIT) connected with the LOEWE research centre CASED.