

Cultural Skills Cultural Skills and their Medialisation

© Karin Knibba / Tagging Cloud

In the digital era fundamental “cultural skills” such as reading and writing as well as narrative forms (in old and new media) undergo a far-reaching transformation. The LOEWE research cluster “Cultural skills and their medialisation” studied this phenomenon from a cross-disciplinary perspective. The project looked at how narration is used in weblogs und social media platforms for the purpose of identity formation and self-portrayal and how the medium of television changes the presentation of history. A study has also been made of the impact of digital networking on English as the “lingua franca” of scholarly communication. A further question was how the digital space could be used in the acquisition of language skills. The digital learning environment SKOLA was developed as a programme that helps students to learn academic writing.

LOEWE Research Cluster


  • Center for Media and Interactivity (ZMI), Justus Liebig University Giessen
  • Herder Institute, Marburg 
  • Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM), Giessen

Fields of study

  • Linguistics
  • Literary and cultural studies
  • History
  • Didactics
  • Psychology

Funding period

2008 to 2012

Project Coordinator

  • Prof. Dr. Henning Lobin,
    Justus Liebig University Giessen


  • Gießen
  • Marburg

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