LOEWE research
LOEWE 2014 Location strengthening: new Centre for Tumour and Immunobiology in Marburg
The LOEWE research cluster Tumours and Inflammation, which, from 2008 to 2012, brought together preclinical and clinical researchers from various areas of tumour biology, immunobiology and molecular cell biology at Philipps-Universität Marburg and Justus Liebig University Giessen, was the basis for the decision to establish a new Centre for Tumour and Immunobiology (ZTI) in Marburg. In 2014 six working groups and two next-generation groups from the former LOEWE research cluster together with other biomedical projects will be moving into the ZTI’s new research and laboratory building close to University Hospital in Marburg. Its construction and equipping was funded by central and regional government resources amounting to around €49 million.
»ZTI is a place of intensive interdisciplinary cooperation. Valuable synergy effects can be obtained by bringing the working groups together in one place and using the common infrastructure. Marburg can thus further strengthen its position as one of the leading locations of research excellence in the field of oncology.«
Prof. Dr. Katharina Krause
President, Philipps-Universität Marburg