Religious Positioning Modalities and constellations in Jewish, Christian and Islamic contexts
The role of religions in today’s globalized world is ambivalent. They do not only serve to promote meaning, orientation and cohesion, but also act as a driving force of conflicts that often culminate in violence. The interdisciplinary LOEWE research cluster “Religious Positioning” is devoted to the question under which conditions
religious antagonisms in today’s multi-religious and multicultural societies can be less destructively resolved. The project relies on the assumption that
religions are fundamentally positional in character and thus potentially conflictual. At the same time, a religion’s approach to religious plurality and difference does not necessarily have to assume aggressive forms. The LOEWE project is dedicated to the study of modalities of religious positioning that are capable of including a pluralistic view and investigates which historical, political and
cultural constellations either promote or hinder such an approach. The project thus aims to contribute to the public discourse concerning migration, multireligiosity, the encounter between of religions and the managing of religious conflicts.
- Leibniz Institute Hessian Foundation for Peace and Conflict Research
- Office for Multicultural Affairs Frankfurt
- Hessian state agency for political education
- Protestant Academy Frankfurt
- House at the cathedral Catholic Academy Rhabanus Maurus
- Central Council of Jews in Germany - Education Department
- Jewish Museum Frankfurt
- Anne Frank Training Centre Frankfurt
- Religious Education Institute of the Protestant Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck and the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau
- Research College for Human Sciences Bad Homburg Translated with (free Version)
Fields of study
- protestant theology
- Jewish Philosophy of Religion
- Islamic Studies
- Religious Studies
- Jewish Studies
- Educational Sciences
- Ethnology Sociology
Funding period
since 2017Project Coordinator
- Prof. Dr. Christian Wiese,
Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
- Frankfurt am Main
- Gießen