

LOEWE Research Cluster Nature 4.0 Virtual expedition through the Marburg Open Forest

Insect deaths, bee deaths, forest deaths - these three examples of recent years are representative of the increasing threat to biodiversity, natural and cultural landscapes and the associated ecosystem services for us humans. The LOEWE research cluster "Nature 4.0 - nature observation with networked sensors and artificial intelligence" aims for permanent monitoring that provides reliable information on biodiversity, ecosystem services and environmental conditions. The interdisciplinary project combines expert observations with networked remote sensing and environmental sensors attached to remote-controlled aircraft, driving robots, trees and animals, and used in environmental education projects to achieve something like this? 

LOEWE Nature 4.0 riddle: 

What is the name of the technology that measures sap flow and tree growth

To solve this question, you have to take part in a virtual expedition through the Marburg Open Forest. You can find the link to the virtual excursion on the "SENSO-Trail 360" here: https://www.uni-marburg.de/natur40. Start the virtual excursion. You will find the answers at the first station Individual/Tree. 

Have fun & good luck with the solution!