With the first symposium of the LOEWE-focus PriOSS "Principles of On-Surface Synthesis", the foundation for the further strategic development of PriOSS was laid

From May 8 to 10, 2023 the first international symposium of the LOEWE focus group PriOSS “Principles of On-Surface Synthesis” took place in Schloss Rauischholzhausen. During the three symposium days over 60 participants discussed their recent research results in the field of on-surface synthesis, which is a multidisciplinary field encompassing physicist, chemists as well as material scientists. Nineteen internationally renowned speakers from universities and research institutes from six different countries were invited to the symposium. New strategies for the design of new organic nanomaterials with unique properties as well as new characterization methods were presented.
“This meeting was a kick-start for our LOEWE focus group into the international scientific community” said Experimental physicist and PriOSS scientific coordinator Prof. Schirmeisen. Prof. Wegner (JLU), organic chemist and deputy scientific coordinator, added “With this symposium the foundation for the further strategic development of the LOEWE focus group PriOSS in the direction of a large research consortium between the Justus-Liebig University and Marburg University was laid.”
The program was accompanied by 21 poster presentations of young scientists from the research groups of the external speakers and the PriOSS consortium. During the three day symposium in the historical atmosphere of Schloss Rauischholzhausen numerous exciting discussions took place and new ideas for future joint projects were generated.
Prof. Dr. André Schirmeisen
Institute of Applied Physics
Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany