

Twelve million euros in funding for hessian.AI - combining competence and expertise from 13 universities and LOEWE White Box

Handover of the funding
Handover of the funding decision in Wiesbaden: (from left to right) Science Minister Timon Gremmels, Prof. Dr. Kristian Kersting, spokesperson for LOEWE-White Box, Prof. Dr. Tanja Brühl, President of TU Darmstadt and Digital Minister Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus.

Hesse is supporting research into the future field of artificial intelligence: Science Minister Timon Gremmels and Digital Minister Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus handed over a funding decision for twelve million euros to the AI center hessian.AI, which links 13 universities and is an important part of Hesse's AI research. hessian.AI is a success story with which Hesse is actively shaping AI research and development, said Gremmels. The Hessian Ministry of Science and Research, Art and Culture had invested a total of 38 million euros by 2024 and created 20 new professorships. Successes to date include four LOEWE top professorships, one LOEWE start-up professorship, two Alexander von Humboldt professorships and ten ERC grants. In addition, there was funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for one of four AI service centers nationwide (around 19 million euros) and EXIST funding from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection for the AI Startup Rising project (around 5.2 million euros) to strengthen the areas of start-ups and transfer.

Digital Minister Sinemus emphasized the importance of the AI application. hessian.AI bundles basic research. Now it is a matter of strengthening research, innovation and transfer in order to secure the business location in the long term. The AI innovation lab in Darmstadt already provides access to high-performance AI infrastructure.

Economics Minister Mansoori sees hessian.AI as the heart of the AI ecosystem. It supports start-ups and companies with innovative business models and strengthens Hessen's competitiveness.

Prof. Tanja Brühl, President of TU Darmstadt, emphasized the international visibility of the center and its role in tackling societal challenges. Co-Directors Prof. Mira Mezini and Prof. Kristian Kersting, spokesperson of LOEWE-White Box, praised the cutting-edge research on language models and the implementation of the AI Act as key contributions to Hessen's digital sovereignty.