

Digital control center for crises - LOEWE-emergenCITY is working on a Smart Digital Situation Control Center (SCC) in the fourth cross-sectional mission

© emergenCITY

After “eHUB”, “reSON” and “Knowledge Base”, the emergenCITY research team has launched its fourth of five cross-sectional missions, the “SCC” (Smart Digital Situation Control Center) mission. There, digital twins of cities are created, which are intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the respective situation, in everyday life and in crisis situations. Sensors distributed all over the city record the environment. This can be useful, especially in times of crisis, to keep an overview. Diverse information in a city, collected in accordance with the law, processed efficiently and displayed in a user-friendly way, can support emergency services in planning their measures. Rescue and help can thus be better coordinated and carried out in an emergency. 

"The aim of the mission is to be able to support the human rescue workers and decision-makers as best as possible during an operation," explains mission team member Marius Schnaubelt. Stationary sensors and mobile agents play a key role here. 

In order to design a comprehensive and versatile communication infrastructure, the SCC mission works together with the third emergenCITY mission "Knowledge Base", which is researching a platform for providing various data. "We are currently working on integrating the knowledge base for the mobile agents and on the VR control of the robots," says Schnaubelt. 

The next milestone that the mission team members from all four emergenCITY program areas are currently working towards is this year's emergenCITY week in June. There, a first visualization of selected robot data is to be demonstrated in the control center using the "Knowledge Base" as a communication platform.

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