"Designed Orders" is the title of the first part of the lecture series of the LOEWE research-initiative Architectures of Order, which starts on April 21, 2022

The architectural design process aims at creating new orders and at the same time is itself structured by its practical, technical, social and legal framework. The scientists are investigating this double relation as part of the lecture series of the LOEWE focus "Architectures of Order" in the summer and winter semester 2022/2023. Each design imagines the future and represents an attempt to create a new spatial – and thus always social – order. This projective approach to the unknown and the unthought places planning conventions, structural standards, legal requirements and established architectural, urbanistic and social ideas in relation to each other, rethinks them and makes them dynamic. “In what way design structures the interaction of these different and heterogeneous factors and what role the conditions, norms and tools of design play” are questions to be discussed. While the focus of the lecture series in the summer semester is on how order comes into the design process, the second half of the year focuses on the interrelationship between design processes and their specific design objects.
The lecture series takes place in the summer semester on the following dates:
04/21/2022 CLAUDIA MAREIS (Humboldt University Berlin) »Combinatorial Creativity: Designing and Inventing Between Order and Contingency«
05/05/22 LIONEL DEVLIEGER (Ghent University, RotorDC) »Assembling Fragments: Designing with Salvaged Building Components«
06/02/22 NATHALIE BREDELLA (Karlsruher Institute for Technology) with NICK FÖRSTER (Technical University of Munich) and BENJAMIN BEIL (University of Cologne) »Tools of Play: Planning Strategies of the Metacity«
07/07/22 HAUKE HORN (University of Mainz) »A question of money? Real estate management and local politics as ordering forces in the planning and construction of high-rise bank buildings in Frankfurt a. M."
Start: 6 p.m. each day
Venue: Casino on the Westend campus, room 1.811
Exception: The lecture on 07.07. takes place in the ExNo building, room EG.01.
The series of events will take place in a hybrid format, you can participate either in person or via zoom. The links for participation via Zoom are published on the website of the focus area at