LOEWE research
LOEWE 2014 Focusing on next-generation researchers
The LOEWE research centres and clusters are intensively involved in training next-generation researchers – from students to doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers. In Darmstadt the LOEWE centre AdRIA and the Technische Universität Darmstadt have together established an advanced course of study in adaptronics as part of the Master’s study programme in mechatronics, while in Marburg, the LOEWE centre SYNMIKRO is involved in a Master’s study programme that includes supplementary courses in synthetic microbiology. The LOEWE research cluster PreBionics acted as the springboard for the Master’s study programme on preventive biomechanics now established at the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt with participation by Frankfurt’s Goethe University. In Darmstadt, Frankfurt and Giessen the universities and universities of applied sciences have intensified their cooperation in doctoral programmes as a result of their joint LOEWE initiatives. Furthermore, the LOEWE centres HIC for FAIR, SYNMIKRO and UGMLC have founded their own graduate schools or have been instrumental in their founding.

»At our Graduate School ‘HGS-Hire for FAIR’, we set out to bring together the educational activities of GSI, Goethe University and the TU Darmstadt in the field of physics. It did not stay like that for long: the universities in Giessen, Heidelberg and Mainz are now also involved and the school is open to all interested doctoral candidates throughout Germany. It gives them outstanding research and training opportunities and at the same time promotes cooperation between the partners involved.«
Prof. Dr. Horst Stöcker
Scientific Director, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung