LOEWE research
LOEWE 2014 Research excellence for the future of Hessen
Since 2008 the German federal state of Hessen has been using its LOEWE programme to invest in outstanding future-fit research initiatives. What started out as five LOEWE research Centres and five LOEWE research Clusters today consists of 40 cutting-edge research initiatives that were selected by high-profile committees in a competitive procedure for financial support. They are supplemented by 152 SME research initiatives which are supported through another of the programme’s funding lines and in which small and medium-sized enterprises and research facilities work together to develop innovative tech- nologies and services.
LOEWE is an instrumental means of strengthening the research landscape in Hessen over the long term; it provides support for universities and research institutions in the develop- ment of their specific profiles and focuses. LOEWE funding creates the necessary conditions in terms of infrastructure and human resources for the acquisition of third-party funds from transregional research programmes and for the expansion or founding of research establishments benefiting from joint central and federal state government research funding. As cooperation between various institutions – universities, universities of applied sciences and non-university research establishments – is an important funding criterion, LOEWE encourages networking between the scientific establishments in Hessen. Not least, LOEWE is also keen to ensure that the business sector in Hessen – especially small and medium-sized enterprises – has a stake in the innovative power of scientific research by participating in technology transfer and joint skills development. In so doing, it also seeks to strengthen the labour market in Hessen by creating future-fit jobs.
From 2008 to 2013 LOEWE provided around €430 million for cutting-edge research in Hessen. The new federal state government will be continuing LOEWE as a central component of research policy in Hessen during the current legislative period.

Read more articles about LOEWE research in 2014:
- Structural impulses for research in Hessen
- The attraction of excellence: Darmstadt is the number one address for IT security
- Innovative research: insect biotechnology established in Giessen
- Competitive strength: German health research Centres – four with LOEWE
- New Centre for Tumour and Location strengthening: Immunobiology in Marburg
- Focusing on next-generation researchers